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Welcome to TheLawlesschronicles, a blog where I share knowledge gleaned from reading self-improvement books and researching rocketry. Here, you will find a collection of blog posts covering a range of topics, including personal growth, productivity, and rocketry.
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Criticism
How to Win Friends and Influence People begins by explaining the trap of criticism. Carnegie elaborates that sharp criticism makes people defensive, rather than change for the better. Simultaneously, criticism inspires resentment towards those who criticize them. This book explains that people, even convicted felons, rarely blame themselves for their actions; everyone wants to believe they are right. Trying to break someone away from this illusion with criticism only makes them dislike you. For example, when I criticized my sister for her poor eating habits, she never actually corrected those habits. She only resented me more for it. Praising her for eating cleaner foods, however, inspired her to eat much healthier.

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Getting what you want
Carnegie says the only way to make someone do something is to make them want to do it. Often, people accomplish this by giving a worse alternative. For example, a boss might say "do this or you'll be fired" failing to realize this threat does not inspire loyalty or a desire to do a good job. Rather, encouragement and appreciation is a better way to inspire people to do what you want. If a coworker does a particularly good job on one day, tell them, and they will likely improve their productivity. Encouragement makes people want to continue doing good work so that they are praised more.

Atomic Habits - Habits Compound
Clear elaborates that while the results of good habits may not be immediately apparent, they compound and become far more noticeable over time. For example, getting 1% better every day, he mentions, will result in you becoming 37x better at the end of the year. Going to the gym for 3 days will yield no significant result; however, going to the gym 3 days a week for a year will. Sticking to a good habit is key, because the consistency is what generates results.

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Inspiring Action
The best way to influence someone is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it. For example, when teaching your children not to smoke, tell them how it would impact their goals. Instead of saying, "You shouldn't smoke because I don't want you to hurt your health" tell them how smoking may stop them from, say, making the basketball team. Instead of speaking about what your own desires, it is more effective to use the other person's wants to encourage or discourage an action.

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Becoming Liked
The best way to become liked is to become interested. In fact, it is the secret behind Theodore Roosevelt's exceptional popularity. After his term, president Roosevelt endeavored to visit the White House for an undisclosed reason. Upon returning, he addressed every employee by name, even the scullery maids. When greeting them, he often inquired about developments in their lives using specific details he'd recollected from previous conversations. How could anyone not like him? Even when busy, Roosevelt was so intensely interested in his people that he took time to learn about their lives. One of the most influential men in America ceaselessly inquiring about developments concerning his former workers is an inspiring vision. This genuine interest fully explains Roosevelt's incredible popularity.

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Immediately Winning Someone Over
Have you ever wondered why 44% of U.S. households have at least one dog? Dogs aren't only "man's best friend" because they look pretty and protect your house- it's their smile that wins most people over. Often, dogs will jump on their owner with enthusiasm upon their return home- letting the owner know they were missed. A smile communicates "I'm happy to see you" and makes humans and animals far more likeable. In fact, salesmen are almost always instructed to smile while taking calls. Even though the man or woman on the phone can't see them, the salesman's smile is discernable through their voice. So discernable, actually, that smiling salesmen sell more than their straight-faced counterparts. To leave a lasting positive impression- smile! It announces goodwill and enjoyment, and who doesn't want to be around someone who wills good onto them?