My Work
These are some of the projects I have worked on in my time researching rocketry.

This rocket/plane mixture is a work in progress. I helped design this rocket/plane in my school's lab utilizing the OpenRocket software. It is meant to launch high into the air (approximately 800 feet) and seamlessly glide down to the ground. The rocket/plane mixture will be steered using motors and a controller. When we eventually launch the rocket/plane, I will be a part of the ground team that collects and relays details on how the rocket is flying.

This is a computer-generated model of "Justin", a rocket built for TARC (Team America Rocketry Challenge). This is a national competition where competitors aim to launch their rocket as close to 850ft vertically as possible and maintain 42-45 seconds airtime. It is currently a work in progress since me and the rest of my school's rocketry team are trying to perfect it before TARC's qualification flights. Currently, I and a few other members are working on the design stage, and have not began building yet.
This is the schematic I created for my "BTR" (Boat Tail Rocket). The purpose of this rocket was to test how a curved tail, rather than a flat end, would affect flight. I designed this rocket by myself and put it together while the help of two friends. Since this was my own investigation, I did the bulk of the work and they helped only with attaching the fins. I concluded that there was no noticeable difference between my BTR and flat-ended rockets except that the center of mass was nearer to the tail end of the rocket. This is due to the motor being further on the tail end than it would be without a boattail.

This was my first ever rocket. It flew approximately 800 ft high but broke its payload of 2 eggs upon landing. Even though the parachute deployed as intended, the egg protectors were not strong enough to protect the eggs from the fall. As my first build, this rocket launched my passion for rocketry (haha) and taught me all of the basics that amateur rocketeers need to know.